Three Spoons Using Esherick Tulip Poplar
“Poplar Culture: The Celebration of a Tree,” May 21-June
10, 2012, was presented at The Wharton Esherick Museum at historic
Yellow Springs. The show featured the work of more than 40 contemporary
woodworkers honoring Wharton Esherick with pieces crafted from a single
tulip poplar tree that stood outside Esherick’s studio door. I was given
three small limbs from this poplar tree. Looking at photographs of
Wharton Esherick’s sculptures shown in Wharton Esherick, The Journey of
a Creative Mind by Mansfield Bascom, I found three sculptures that
suggested spoon forms. Each spoon’s design was an interaction of
Wharton’s vision with my fixation on spoons. Additional information can
be found in the book Spoons to Stir the Soul, The World of Norm
Sartorius. These pieces were part of the 2015 Instructor Exhibition at
Arrowmont School of Arts & Crafts, May 18 – August 22, 2015.
